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My Workshops - 7 habits change my leadership = 7个习惯改变我的领导才能 --
Published on 10-12-2022

Reflecting on the 7 Habit team building experience, we discovered that every individual brings their unique set of habits to the table. These habits shape our behaviors, attitudes, and ultimately, our effectiveness as a team. Each habit carries its own significance and plays a crucial role in fostering a positive and productive work environment.

The first habit, "Be Proactive," emphasizes taking initiative and being responsible for our actions. By adopting this habit, we empower ourselves to overcome obstacles and actively contribute to the team's success.

The second habit, "Begin with the End in Mind," encourages us to have a clear vision of our goals and align our actions accordingly. It helps us stay focused and motivated, driving us towards achieving our desired outcomes.

The third habit, "Put First Things First," emphasizes prioritization and time management. By organizing our tasks based on importance and urgency, we can maximize productivity and ensure that we allocate our time effectively.

The fourth habit, "Think Win-Win," promotes a mindset of collaboration and mutual benefit. It reminds us to seek solutions that satisfy both our own and others' interests, fostering a harmonious and cooperative team environment.

The fifth habit, "Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood," highlights the importance of active listening and empathy. By truly understanding others' perspectives and communicating effectively, we can build strong relationships and resolve conflicts more effectively.

The sixth habit, "Synergize," emphasizes the power of teamwork and leveraging the strengths of each team member. By embracing diversity and working collaboratively, we can generate innovative ideas and achieve collective success.

The seventh habit, "Sharpen the Saw," emphasizes continuous growth and self-improvement. It reminds us to take care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, ensuring that we are in the best state to contribute to the team.

Throughout this team-building experience, we learned that adopting these habits is a continuous process. It requires consistent effort and practice to make them a part of our daily routines. By integrating these habits into our work culture, we can create a positive and high-performing team environment where everyone can thrive.

Let us take this reflection as a reminder and encouragement to embrace these habits in our personal and professional lives. As we strive to cultivate these habits, we will not only enhance our own effectiveness but also inspire and motivate others to do the same. Together, we can create a team that is resilient, collaborative, and capable of achieving great success.











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Published on 11-12-2022

Reflection on an F&B Entrepreneurship Course:

The F&B entrepreneurship course provided learners with comprehensive knowledge and skills in both the visible and hidden aspects of the F&B sector. Throughout the course, learners delved into theoretical concepts which culminated in a practical project to establish a new company, showcasing their understanding of the industry's practicality and realities. The journey was not an easy one, as learners dedicated a total of 48 nights to detailed training, hands-on experiences, and hard work. There were ups and downs, challenges and joys, especially during the challenging period of the pandemic when mobility was restricted. However, the learners persevered, demonstrating their resilience and determination. Through the course, learners gained valuable experience and developed a strong entrepreneurial spirit. They exhibited creativity and innovative thinking, ultimately showcasing their team spirit and creating a company concept that was both inspiring and unique. Looking ahead, the learners aspire to turn their dreams into reality. They hope to transform their creative company concept into a successful venture, applying the knowledge and skills gained during the course. With their rich experiences and entrepreneurial mindset, they are well-equipped to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. The F&B entrepreneurship course not only imparted practical knowledge but also instilled a sense of passion and drive among the learners. They have formed a strong bond as a team and are ready to take the next steps toward realizing their aspirations in the F&B industry.



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Team Building to build my Life --
Published on 17-12-2022

Companies may sometimes hesitate or fail to prioritize team building due to various reasons. One significant factor is the presence of communication barriers within the organization. When employees lack effective communication channels or face challenges in expressing their thoughts and ideas, it can hinder collaboration and hinder the formation of cohesive teams. The consequence of not prioritizing team building and neglecting to address communication barriers can be detrimental to both individual employees and overall organizational performance. Without strong team dynamics, employees may struggle to work together efficiently, leading to reduced productivity and missed opportunities for innovation. Additionally, the lack of collaboration and a sense of camaraderie can result in low employee morale, increased conflicts, and a negative work environment.   By overlooking team building and failing to address communication barriers, companies risk limiting their potential for growth and success. It is crucial for organizations to recognize the importance of fostering effective teamwork, encouraging open communication, and investing in team-building activities. By doing so, companies can break down communication barriers, promote collaboration, and create an environment where individuals can thrive, leading to improved performance, higher employee satisfaction, and ultimately, organizational success.  

《西游记》中的故事可以作为一个例子,说明公司拒绝或不重视团队建设以及沟通障碍的后果。  在故事中,孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧和唐僧组成了一个团队,共同踏上取经之路。尽管他们有共同的目标,即取得真经,但由于个性和能力上的差异,他们经常发生矛盾和争吵。这是因为他们缺乏有效的沟通和团队合作。 团队中最明显的沟通障碍来自孙悟空的傲慢和自我主义。他经常单独行动,不与其他成员协调,这导致了许多问题和冲突。同时,猪八戒的贪婪和沙僧的懒散也给团队带来了困扰。这些个性特点使得他们难以形成紧密的团队,并阻碍了他们顺利完成任务。   如果公司像团队取经一样拒绝或不重视团队建设,并忽视沟通障碍,类似的问题和后果也会在工作环境中出现。团队成员可能会各自为战,缺乏协作和理解。沟通不畅导致信息不对称和误解,阻碍项目的顺利进行。团队中的争吵和冲突可能会增加,员工士气下降,导致生产力和绩效的下降。   因此,通过借鉴《西游记》中的教训,我们应该认识到团队建设和有效沟通的重要性。只有通过加强团队合作,促进良好的沟通和理解,才能达到共同目标,实现团队的成功和组织的繁荣。

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Build Team of the Team @ Batam --
Published on 18-02-2023







Reflection on our 2019 team building: Meeting old friends annually brings immense joy and a sense of fulfillment. This year, we had the opportunity to gather at Batam Seafront Hotel for our team building activities, where we embarked on various indoor brainstorming sessions and team-building exercises. We engaged in profiling games to better understand ourselves and our team members, and even built a domino game. We also relived our youth through many outdoor games that we used to play.

The experience of reuniting with old friends and sharing our stories was truly valuable. We provided encouragement and motivation to one another, inspiring personal and professional growth. The time spent together deepened our connections and added value to our relationships.

At Batam Seafront Hotel, we enjoyed walks along the beach and the bridge, witnessing breathtaking sunsets with our loved ones. In the evening, we indulged in a delightful BBQ, fostering camaraderie among team members. The next morning, we started the day with invigorating yoga sessions, embracing the serenity and beauty of the sea.

Overall, our 2019 team building was a reflection of the significance of meeting old friends and sharing our experiences. We collectively grew, motivated each other, and added value to our lives. This experience not only strengthened the bond within our team but also laid a solid foundation for future collaborations and development.


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2022 Achievement --
Published on 02-06-2023

Reflecting on the training achievements from 2021 to 2022, as a facilitator, I am proud to have conducted a diverse range of courses, both locally and overseas, including countries like China, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Cambodia. One of my greatest accomplishments during this period was the opportunity to connect with people from different backgrounds, gaining insights into their local cultures, and honing my facilitation skills to effectively engage with diverse participants.

In addition to delivering training sessions, I have been an avid learner myself, drawing inspiration from my participants and immersing myself in the company cultures and business models I have encountered. This continuous learning journey has not only expanded my knowledge but has also enriched my facilitation approach.

What truly motivates me is the pursuit of self-actualization and my dream of becoming an international facilitator. I have a genuine passion for meeting new people, but what brings me even greater fulfillment is the opportunity to facilitate their learning and growth. Witnessing the transformation and progress of my participants is a constant reminder of the impact facilitation can have on individuals and organizations.

As I reflect on the achievements of the past year, I am grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have contributed to my personal and professional development as a facilitator. I am excited to continue my journey, exploring new avenues to inspire and empower individuals through facilitation and to contribute to the growth of a global learning community.              






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Put everyone together --
Published on 02-06-2023

回顾我们首次组织的团建活动,我带领所有的朋友和他们的家人一起前往马来西亚龟咯岛(Pulau Kukup)。我们度过了愉快的时光,建立了很多深厚的情感纽带。举个例子,有一对夫妇通过这次活动敞开心扉,分享了丈夫在工作上疏忽了妻子感受的问题,最终他们解决了这些难以启齿的情感困扰,重新回到了爱的轨道。我们还进行了榴莲之旅和一起享受按摩的愉快活动。烧烤是我们最喜欢聚在一起的时刻,我们互动交流,享受着美味的海鲜汁液。室内的培训让我们更好地了解彼此。我们还留下了美好的照片回忆和无人机摄影作品。这是我们第一次聚在一起,我们都承诺要每年举行类似的活动。

龟咯岛(Pulau Kukup)的美景和丰富的自然资源让我们更加欣赏大自然的魅力。我们一起探索了岛上的景点,感受到了大自然的神奇与美丽。这次团建活动不仅让我们增进了友谊,还让我们更加珍惜和保护环境。



The above is a reflection on our first team building event, where I brought all my friends and their families to Pulau Kukup, Malaysia. We had a great time and formed strong bonds. For example, one family was able to break the ice and openly share their feelings about the husband's neglect due to work, and they ended up resolving those difficult emotions and returning to a place of love. We also had a wonderful durian trip and enjoyed massages together. The BBQ session was the best time for us to come together, interact, and savor the flavors of seafood. The indoor training sessions helped us get to know each other better. We also captured beautiful memories through photography, including drone photography. This was our first gathering, and we all promised to make it an annual event.

Pulau Kukup's stunning beauty and abundant natural resources made us appreciate the wonders of nature even more. We explored the island's attractions and experienced the magic and beauty of nature. This team building event not only strengthened our friendship but also instilled a greater sense of appreciation and responsibility towards the environment.

I want to express my gratitude to everyone for their enthusiasm and contributions in creating such wonderful memories. Our team has become a close-knit group, and I believe that in our future work and life, we will collaborate more effectively, overcome challenges together, and achieve even greater success.

Let us maintain this team spirit and continue to support and help each other unwaveringly. No matter what difficulties or challenges we face, we believe in the power of teamwork to overcome them all. Looking forward to next year's team building event, let's continue to create more beautiful memories and share joy together!

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Roast and Revel: A Coffee Journey --
Published on 02-06-2023

Reflection on my First Coffee Workshop at SIM

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to conduct my first coffee workshop at SIM, alongside coffee guru Thomas Tian. It was an enriching experience where we had the privilege to share our knowledge and passion for coffee with the participants.

During the workshop, we focused on various aspects of coffee, including its maintenance, roasting process, and the art of experiencing coffee through our senses. We emphasized the importance of selecting high-quality coffee beans and how they contribute to the overall taste and aroma of the brew. Additionally, we discussed the health benefits associated with coffee consumption and how it can positively impact our well-being.

What made this workshop truly special was the high level of interaction. Participants actively engaged in hands-on activities such as coffee roasting and learning different brewing techniques. It was heartening to see them immerse themselves in the process and witness their enthusiasm and curiosity.

We also took the opportunity to highlight the fragrant and unique flavors that coffee offers. From the delicate floral notes of Ethiopian beans to the rich and bold flavors of Brazilian coffee, we explored the vast diversity within the world of coffee. Furthermore, we discussed the growing coffee culture in Singapore and the potential it holds for the future.

Overall, the workshop was a resounding success. It was a joy to witness participants deepen their understanding of coffee and witness their excitement as they discovered new flavors and brewing techniques. The sense of camaraderie and shared love for coffee that developed among the participants was truly inspiring.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have conducted this workshop and for the support of Thomas Tian and the participants. It has reaffirmed my passion for coffee and my desire to continue sharing knowledge and fostering the growth of the coffee culture in Singapore. Let us continue to explore the wonders of coffee together and embrace the journey of taste, aroma, and community that coffee brings.    


最近,我有幸与咖啡大师Thomas Tian一起在新跃社大(SIM)举办了我的第一次咖啡研讨会。这是一次充实的经历,让我们有机会与参与者分享我们对咖啡的知识和热情。





我感激有机会举办这次研讨会,也感谢Thomas Tian和参与者的支持。这次经历再次确认了我对咖啡的热情,以及我继续分享知识和促进新加坡咖啡文化发展的愿望。让我们继续一同探索咖啡的奇妙,并享受咖啡带来的口感、香气和共同体验的旅程。

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