Put everyone together

News in our Radar
Put everyone together

Published on 02-06-2023

回顾我们首次组织的团建活动,我带领所有的朋友和他们的家人一起前往马来西亚龟咯岛(Pulau Kukup)。我们度过了愉快的时光,建立了很多深厚的情感纽带。举个例子,有一对夫妇通过这次活动敞开心扉,分享了丈夫在工作上疏忽了妻子感受的问题,最终他们解决了这些难以启齿的情感困扰,重新回到了爱的轨道。我们还进行了榴莲之旅和一起享受按摩的愉快活动。烧烤是我们最喜欢聚在一起的时刻,我们互动交流,享受着美味的海鲜汁液。室内的培训让我们更好地了解彼此。我们还留下了美好的照片回忆和无人机摄影作品。这是我们第一次聚在一起,我们都承诺要每年举行类似的活动。

龟咯岛(Pulau Kukup)的美景和丰富的自然资源让我们更加欣赏大自然的魅力。我们一起探索了岛上的景点,感受到了大自然的神奇与美丽。这次团建活动不仅让我们增进了友谊,还让我们更加珍惜和保护环境。



The above is a reflection on our first team building event, where I brought all my friends and their families to Pulau Kukup, Malaysia. We had a great time and formed strong bonds. For example, one family was able to break the ice and openly share their feelings about the husband's neglect due to work, and they ended up resolving those difficult emotions and returning to a place of love. We also had a wonderful durian trip and enjoyed massages together. The BBQ session was the best time for us to come together, interact, and savor the flavors of seafood. The indoor training sessions helped us get to know each other better. We also captured beautiful memories through photography, including drone photography. This was our first gathering, and we all promised to make it an annual event.

Pulau Kukup's stunning beauty and abundant natural resources made us appreciate the wonders of nature even more. We explored the island's attractions and experienced the magic and beauty of nature. This team building event not only strengthened our friendship but also instilled a greater sense of appreciation and responsibility towards the environment.

I want to express my gratitude to everyone for their enthusiasm and contributions in creating such wonderful memories. Our team has become a close-knit group, and I believe that in our future work and life, we will collaborate more effectively, overcome challenges together, and achieve even greater success.

Let us maintain this team spirit and continue to support and help each other unwaveringly. No matter what difficulties or challenges we face, we believe in the power of teamwork to overcome them all. Looking forward to next year's team building event, let's continue to create more beautiful memories and share joy together!