News in our Radar

Published on 11-12-2022

Reflection on an F&B Entrepreneurship Course:

The F&B entrepreneurship course provided learners with comprehensive knowledge and skills in both the visible and hidden aspects of the F&B sector. Throughout the course, learners delved into theoretical concepts which culminated in a practical project to establish a new company, showcasing their understanding of the industry's practicality and realities. The journey was not an easy one, as learners dedicated a total of 48 nights to detailed training, hands-on experiences, and hard work. There were ups and downs, challenges and joys, especially during the challenging period of the pandemic when mobility was restricted. However, the learners persevered, demonstrating their resilience and determination. Through the course, learners gained valuable experience and developed a strong entrepreneurial spirit. They exhibited creativity and innovative thinking, ultimately showcasing their team spirit and creating a company concept that was both inspiring and unique. Looking ahead, the learners aspire to turn their dreams into reality. They hope to transform their creative company concept into a successful venture, applying the knowledge and skills gained during the course. With their rich experiences and entrepreneurial mindset, they are well-equipped to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. The F&B entrepreneurship course not only imparted practical knowledge but also instilled a sense of passion and drive among the learners. They have formed a strong bond as a team and are ready to take the next steps toward realizing their aspirations in the F&B industry.

