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Course Modules and Outcomes

Module 1: Introduction to AIGPT


  • Definition of AIGPT
  • Brief history and the founding of OpenAI
  • Purpose and goals of AIGPT


  • Understand what AIGPT is and its origins.
  • Recognize the key objectives and mission of OpenAI.
  • Articulate the purpose of AIGPT in the context of AI development.


  • Discuss how AIGPT can be used to generate human-like text for virtual assistants.

Module 2: Differences Between AIGPT and Other AI Tools


  • Comparison between AIGPT and Google's AI capabilities
  • Specific features and strengths of AIGPT


  • Identify the unique features of AIGPT compared to other AI tools.
  • Understand the specific applications where AIGPT excels.


  • Analyze a scenario where AIGPT is used for content creation versus Google's AI in search optimization.

Module 3: Components and Technology Behind AIGPT


  • The architecture of AIGPT (Transformer model)
  • Key technologies and algorithms used


  • Understand the technical foundation of AIGPT.
  • Explain the significance of the Transformer model in natural language processing.


  • Case study on how the Transformer architecture enables AIGPT to generate coherent and contextually relevant text.

Module 4: Introduction to Prompt Engineering


  • Definition and importance of prompt engineering
  • Techniques for designing effective prompts


  • Define prompt engineering and its role in leveraging AIGPT.
  • Develop skills to create prompts that yield high-quality AI outputs.


Prompt Engineering Examples

1) Prompt Foundations

Example: Prompt: "Write a 200-word introduction to the concept of blockchain technology for a beginner audience. Explain what blockchain is, how it works, and its basic applications."

Expected Output: "Blockchain technology is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. Each transaction is grouped into a 'block,' and these blocks are linked together in a 'chain.' This structure ensures that once a transaction is recorded, it cannot be altered. Blockchain is the backbone of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but its applications extend beyond digital currencies. It can be used in various industries for tasks like tracking supply chains, securing digital identities, and ensuring transparent voting systems. By eliminating the need for a central authority, blockchain technology promises enhanced security, transparency, and efficiency."

2) Language & Communication Techniques

Example: Prompt: "Draft an email to a team of software developers, informing them about a new agile project management tool that will be introduced next month. Highlight the benefits and encourage them to participate in the upcoming training sessions."

Expected Output: "Subject: Introducing Our New Agile Project Management Tool

Dear Team,

I am excited to announce that we will be implementing a new agile project management tool next month to streamline our development processes and enhance collaboration.

This tool offers several benefits:

  • Improved task tracking and visibility
  • Enhanced team collaboration and communication
  • Real-time progress updates
  • Customizable workflows to suit our project needs

To ensure a smooth transition, we have scheduled training sessions starting next week. Your participation is crucial to fully leverage this tool's capabilities and to integrate it effectively into our workflow.

Please keep an eye on your inbox for the training schedule and further details.

Best regards, [Your Name]"

3) Role-Based Instruction Techniques

Example: Prompt: "As a customer service manager, write a training module introduction for new customer service representatives. The introduction should explain the importance of customer service, the goals of the training, and what they can expect to learn."

Expected Output: "Welcome to the Customer Service Training Module!

As a customer service representative, you play a vital role in ensuring our customers have a positive experience with our company. Exceptional customer service is crucial because it builds trust, fosters loyalty, and encourages repeat business.

In this training module, our goals are to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to handle customer inquiries effectively, resolve issues promptly, and exceed customer expectations. You will learn essential communication techniques, problem-solving strategies, and how to use our customer service tools efficiently.

By the end of this training, you will be confident in your ability to provide outstanding service and contribute to our company's success.

Let's get started on this journey to excellence in customer service!"

4) Memory & Perspective Techniques

Example: Prompt: "Write a first-person narrative of a historical figure's experience during a significant event. Choose a moment from the life of Marie Curie, detailing her discovery of radium and its impact."

Expected Output: "I remember the day vividly, the moment when I realized we had uncovered something extraordinary. Pierre and I had been working tirelessly, experimenting with pitchblende, convinced it held secrets yet to be revealed. When I finally isolated the substance and identified its unique properties, my heart raced with excitement. We named it radium. The glow it emitted in the dark was nothing short of magical.

This discovery was more than just a scientific breakthrough; it was a beacon of hope for medical advancements and a deeper understanding of the atomic world. However, it also brought challenges and sacrifices. The intense research and exposure to radiation took a toll on our health, but the potential benefits for humanity kept us going.

As I look back on that pivotal moment, I am filled with pride and gratitude. Our discovery of radium paved the way for new treatments and scientific explorations, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of science."

5) Style & Genre Techniques

Example: Prompt: "Write a detective story opening in a noir style. Set the scene in a rainy city and introduce the main character, a private detective named Sam Spade."

Expected Output: "The rain hammered the city streets, a relentless downpour that washed away the grime but not the sins. Neon lights flickered through the haze, casting ghostly shadows on the slick pavement. It was the kind of night that made honest men lock their doors and crooks come out to play.

From my office window, I watched the city drown in its own secrets. The name's Sam Spade, private detective. My phone had been quiet all evening, save for the occasional thunderclap that shook the glass. Business had been slow, but in this line of work, patience is as essential as a loaded .38.

Just as I was about to pour myself another drink, the door swung open. She walked in, a dame with legs that went on forever and trouble written all over her face. Her name was Veronica Lake, and she was about to turn my quiet night into a storm of intrigue and danger.

'Mr. Spade,' she said, her voice trembling. 'I need your help.'

I lit a cigarette, leaned back in my chair, and gave her the once-over. 'Take a seat, Miss Lake,' I replied. 'Start from the beginning.'"

These prompts and their expected outputs demonstrate how to craft effective and engaging prompts for various applications, ensuring clarity and relevance in the generated responses.

Module 5: Applications of AIGPT in Education


  • Use cases of AIGPT in student learning and research
  • Benefits for educators and learners


  • Identify potential applications of AIGPT in an educational setting.
  • Understand how AIGPT can enhance learning experiences and educational content creation.


  • Example of using AIGPT to generate summaries of complex research papers for students.

Module 6: Applications of AIGPT in Business


  • Business use cases of AIGPT
  • Enhancing customer service, marketing, and data analysis


  • Recognize various business applications of AIGPT.
  • Understand how AIGPT can improve business operations and customer interactions.


  • Case study on implementing AIGPT-powered chatbots for customer support in an e-commerce company.

Module 7: Implementing AIGPT in Practical Scenarios


  • Steps to integrate AIGPT into existing systems
  • Best practices for testing and refining AI applications


  • Learn how to apply AIGPT in real-world applications.
  • Develop a roadmap for integrating AIGPT into business or educational tools.


  • Example of integrating AIGPT with a CRM system to automate customer queries and follow-ups.

Module 8: Ethical Considerations and Challenges


  • Ethical implications of using AIGPT
  • Addressing challenges such as bias and data privacy


  • Understand the ethical considerations in deploying AIGPT.
  • Identify strategies to mitigate risks and ensure responsible AI use.


  • Discussion on maintaining data privacy and avoiding bias in AI-generated content.

Course Conclusion and Final Assessment


  • Review of key concepts and applications
  • Final assessment to test understanding


  • Consolidate knowledge of AIGPT and its applications.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply AIGPT effectively in various scenarios.


  • Create a project plan for implementing AIGPT in a specific use case, such as automated content generation for a company's blog.


This course on AIGPT provides a comprehensive understanding of the technology, its applications, and best practices for implementation. By the end of the course, learners will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively leverage AIGPT in both educational and business contexts, ensuring they can harness the full potential of this advanced AI tool.

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Posted by Gustin Low
Facilitator, Curriculum & Software Developer and Career Advisor/Coach


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