now What, Know How, Know For & Skills


now What, Know How, Know For & Skills

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Sequencing Lesson Plan Example:

  1. Introduction (Know What):

    • Briefly introduce the concept of eyebrow teaching and its importance in enhancing facial features.
    • Provide an overview of different eyebrow shapes and the tools used in eyebrow grooming.
  2. Demonstration and Practice (Know How):

    • Demonstrate various eyebrow shaping techniques, such as tweezing, waxing, and filling in with eyebrow pencils.
    • Allow learners to practice these techniques on practice sheets or mannequin heads.
  3. Analysis and Evaluation (Know For):

    • Engage learners in a discussion on the impact of different eyebrow shapes on facial appearance.
    • Encourage learners to evaluate the suitability of different techniques for different face shapes.
  4. Application and Reflection (Skill):

    • Provide opportunities for learners to apply their skills on models or clients.
    • Encourage learners to reflect on their learning journey and identify areas for improvement and further creativity.

Throughout the lesson plan, ensure that the learning activities and assessments align with the specific objectives of each stage. This sequencing approach allows learners to progressively build their knowledge, skills, and understanding of eyebrow teaching, culminating in their ability to create personalized eyebrow grooming techniques.


  1. 引言(知道什么):

    • 简要介绍眉毛教学的概念及其在增强面部特征中的重要性。
    • 概述不同的眉形以及眉毛修饰中使用的工具。
  2. 示范和实践(知道怎么做):

    • 示范不同的眉形修饰技巧,如镊子修眉、脱毛蜡和使用眉笔填充等。
    • 让学习者在练习纸或模特头上实践这些技巧。
  3. 分析和评估(知道为什么):

    • 引导学习者讨论不同眉形对面部外貌的影响。
    • 鼓励学习者评估不同技术在不同面部形状上的适用性。
  4. 应用和反思(技能):

    • 提供学习者在模特或客户身上应用所学技能的机会。
    • 鼓励学习者反思他们的学习过程,确定改进和进一步创造的方向。


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Posted by Gustin Low
Facilitator, Curriculum & Software Developer and Career Advisor/Coach


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