My SkillFramework reflection 反馈学习-技能框架


My SkillFramework reflection 反馈学习-技能框架

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The Skills Framework is an integral component of the Industry Transformation Maps and it is co-created by Employers, Industry Associations, Education Institutions, Unions, and Government for the Singapore workforce. The Skills Framework provides key information on the sector, career pathways, occupations/job roles, as well as existing and emerging skills required for the occupations/job roles. It also provides a list of training programmes for skills upgrading and mastery.

技能框架是行业转型地图不可或缺的组成部分,由雇主、行业协会、教育机构、工会和政府为新加坡劳动力共同创建。 技能框架提供了有关部门、职业道路、职业/工作角色以及职业/工作角色所需的现有和新兴技能的关键“信息”。 它还提供了一系列用于技能升级和掌握的培训计划。



Developed for Individuals, Employers, and Training Providers.

Individuals in their early and/or mid-career can use the Skills Framework to make informed decisions on education and training, career development and skills upgrading based on the sector, employment, occupation/job role, skills and training information in the framework.

个人 - 处于职业生涯早期和 /或中期的个人计划,可以使用的技能框架,个人可以根据框架中的部门、就业指南、了解职业 /工作角色、技能需求和培训(内容,费用与学府机构)信息,就教育和培训、职业发展和技能升级做出明智的决定。

Employers can use the Skills Framework to design progressive human resource management and talent development plans based on the detailed skills information in the framework.


Training Providers can use the Skills Framework to gain insights into sector trends and skills in demand, which allow them to innovate and contextualise their curricula design and training programmes to suit the needs of the sector.




1. Upgrade Your Workforce with the Skills Framework   使用技能框架可以提升您的员工队伍的技能 –



2. Drafting Job Descriptions in a Flash  快速起草个人(员工)的职位描述与简历-

对人事部 - 要开发新职位,规划员工的工作范围与职业蓝图时,技能框架(第三部分的职业职责、角色与任务)可以帮助公司起草招聘启事,广告内容,人事与个人的工作履历,合约与工作绩效版图等。对个人-也可以通过这些信息(第三部分的职业职责、角色与任务)了解不同工作的阐述,范围与职责,包括任务与技能需求。


3. Level Up Your Team 帮助你的团队升级

当公司(或个人)想要提高员工的竞争力,规划团队素质与规划人才计划时,可以参考技能框架的第一部分(市场趋势与新兴技能需求)再加上第二部分的职业蓝图来为员工与自己规划职业生涯,打造既有竞争力的团队。 (可以参考以下的链接例子:


4. Evaluate Staff Performance with a Customisable Template  使用可定制的模板来评估员工(或个人)的工作表现与绩效-



5. Increase Staff Retention with the Right Career Pathways 通过正确的职业道路来提高员工的忠诚度与保留率



Student 学生

  • Determine the choice of study based on their aspirations
  • Make informed decisions on career choices before applying for the jobs
  • Prepare job applications and interviews
  • 根据自己的目标与愿望来确定自己的学业与职业学习的选择
  • 在申请工作之前就职业选择做出明智的决定 – 了解职业蓝图与方向 (第一与二)
  • 准备工作申请和面试 – 了解市场的趋势与职务与技能的要求,来准备自己(知己知彼)(第一,二,三与四)

Parents, Teachers and Career Counsellors家长、老师, 和职业顾问

  • Understand the sector and employment prospects
  • Learn about the occupational/job scope, the work context and the work attributes which are demanded by the employers in the sectors
  • Provide informed advice to children and students as they choose their desired pre-employment training programme
  • 了解行业和就业前景 – 帮助自己,孩子与学生或求职者规划或提供建议
  • 了解行业雇主要求的职业/工作范围、工作环境和工作属性 – 知己知彼,了解新兴技能,未来趋势与市场的技能需求,再为自己,学生与孩子计划,报读或安排培训
  • 为儿童和学生职业选择所需的职前培训计划提供明智的建议

Individuals 个人

  • Understand the sector and the employment prospects as well as emerging jobs and skills in demand
  • Understand the occupational/job scope, work context and the work attributes which are demanded by employers in the sector
  • Assess one’s career aspiration and make an informed decision before settling on a career choice or switching career
  • Appraise the length of the career pathway and the requirements for one to progress into the desired occupation/job role
  • Find suitable programmes based on skills and career needs
  • 了解行业和就业前景以及新兴工作和需求技能 – 从第一信息。可以了解未来的行业发展趋势,未雨绸缪,提高韧性与适应能力,保持竞争力
  • 了解该行业雇主要求的职业/工作范围、工作环境和工作属性 – 对市场的要求做好准备,不止在技能方面的提升,同时对个人与市场的属性要求也要加强。
  • 在确定职业选择或转行之前,评估一个人的职业抱负并做出明智的决定 – 根据市场的趋势与要求,再了解自己的强势与弱势,最后再做出决定。
  • 评估职业道路的长度以及一个人进入所需职业/工作角色的要求 – 可以从第二与第三的信息来更清楚的了解职业的职务,任务与技能的要求准则。
  • 根据技能和职业需求寻找合适的项目 – 从职业的道路与版图可以更明确的来规划自己的方向与决定。


  • Identify emerging skills and build new capabilities
  • Develop occupational/job profiles
  • Create comprehensive competency framework as well as training roadmaps for the company
  • Strengthen organisational capability to develop staff for improved performance
  • Enhance talent attraction, management and retention
  • 识别新兴技能并建立新能力 – 根据第一部分的市场信息与趋势来调整员工的素质与能力,保持竞争力
  • 制定职业/工作简介 – 根据第二与第三部分的信息来规划员工的职业规范与蓝图,提升技能,自信与忠诚度
  • 为公司创建全面的能力框架和培训路线图
  • 加强组织能力以培养员工以提高绩效
  • 加强人才吸引、管理和保留

Training Providers 培训机构

  • Gain better insights into sector trends, as well as existing and emerging skills in demand so as to innovate and contextualise their curricula design and training programmes to suit the needs of employers and learners
  • Develop holistic company training plans and business improvement programmes such as job redesign programmes for productivity and growth for companies
  • 更好地洞察行业趋势,以及现有和新兴的技能需求,以便创新和结合他们的课程设计和培训计划,以满足雇主和学习者的需求
  • 制定全面的公司培训计划和业务改进计划,例如为提高公司生产力和增长而进行的工作重新设计计划




1.) 第一部分 - Sector Information 行业信息

This component describes the sector and employment landscapes and it includes useful statistics on the sector’s manpower and occupational/job requirements, in line with the Industry Transformation Map.


Example: The 5 desired attributes as a TAE professional in the TAE journey of professionalism. 示例:在 TAE 职业化之旅中作为 TAE 专业人员的 5 个理想属性。

a) Adaptable 适应性强

Influences and manages diverse groups of stakeholders and learners, and is resourceful and resilient when responding to dynamic operational environments and challenges  教育工作者必须要具备能够影响和管理不同利益相关者和学习者群体,并在应对动态运营环境和挑战时足智多谋和有具有弹性与适应能力。

b) Passion for Lifelong Learning 终身学习的热忱

Willingness to take ownership for sustaining and improving the quality of own professional practice with the aim to deliver innovative learning experiences,

which encourages meaningful learner development


c) Business-Oriented  商业导向

Drives business performance and growth with an understanding of industry and human capital developments and needs


d) Professionalism 专业精神

Demonstrates professional conduct and adherence to code of ethics in maintaining integrity and establishing credibility when interacting with stakeholders and learners, and handling sensitive data    在与利益相关者和学习者互动以及处理敏感数据时,能够展示职业操守和遵守道德规范以保持诚信和建立信誉

e) Future-Oriented 未来导向

Exhibits traits of a forward-thinker in seeking opportunities to grow, innovate and anticipate future priorities



2.) 第二部分Career Pathways职业途径

This component shows how the occupations/job roles in the sector are structured progressively based on sector norm. From the Career Pathways, users can identify vertical and lateral advancement opportunities.

该部分显示了该部门的职业/工作角色是如何根据部门规范逐步构建的。 从职业道路版图中,用户可以识别纵向和横向的晋升机会。并根据这版图来规划员工与个人的职业生涯。


3.) 第三部分Occupations/Job Roles Description职业/工作角色描述

This component describes the skills requirement, work context and expected profile of the worker performing the occupational/job role. It provides an overall introduction to the occupation/job role.

该组件描述了相关职位的执行职业/工作角色,职务与要执行的任务与技能要求、工作环境和预期概况。 它全面介绍了职业/工作角色,与不同职位等级的技能要求。


4.) 第四部分Skill Description技能说明

Every occupation/job role in the Skills Framework contains a set of skills. Each skill is carefully analysed and written to capture both occupational/job and personal domains of the skill for holistic development. Similar to the Occupation/Job Role Description, Skill Description provides an overall introduction to the skills by summarising the performance expectations of the skills.

技能框架中的每个职业/工作角色都包含一组技能。 每项技能都经过仔细分析和编写,以捕捉职业/工作和个人技能的整体发展领域。 类似于职业/工作角色描述,技能描述通过总结技能的绩效期望来提供对技能的整体介绍。


5.) 第五部分Training Programmes培训项目

Training Programmes link the skills in the occupations/job roles to programmes that are available in the market. The list of programmes is not limited to academic qualifications, and continuing education and training programmes. It will also list apprenticeships, recognition of prior learning and any other skills-based programmes and manpower initiatives such as SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme that are available in the sector.

培训计划将职业/工作角色的技能与市场上可用的计划联系起来。 课程项目清单不限于学历、继续教育和培训项目。 它还将列出学徒制、对先前学习的认可以及任何其他基于技能的计划和人力资源计划,例如该行业可用的 SkillsFuture 学习计划。学生,个人,培训师与公司可以根据自身的要求来利用之支援来寻求资助与规划。


Resources 支援共享

- SkillsFuture Career Advisors Programme   职业顾问计划

The SkillsFuture Career Advisors Programme taps on the knowledge and expertise of industry veterans to help...

SkillsFuture 职业顾问计划利用行业资深人士的知识和专业知识来帮助那些求职者


- SkillsFuture Fellowships未来技能奖学金

The SkillsFuture Fellowship is a tripartite initiative that recognises Singapore Citizens who have acquired deep skills through significant...

SkillsFuture 奖学金是一项三方倡议,旨在表彰通过重大活动获得深厚技能的新加坡公民.


- SkillsFuture Qualification Award   - SkillsFuture 资格奖

The award recognises your effort in attaining WSQ full qualifications, which equip you with skills to perform your job better, pursue career progression and explore new job opportunities.

Formerly known as the CET Qualification Award (CQA), this award encourages workers to attain WSQ full qualifications, which equip them with comprehensive and robust sets of skills to perform their jobs competently, pursue career progression and explore new job opportunities.

该奖项表彰您在获得 WSQ 完整资格方面所做的努力,这些资格使您具备更好地完成工作、追求职业发展和探索新工作机会的技能。

该奖项以前称为 CET 资格奖 (CQA),旨在鼓励员工获得 WSQ 完整资格,使他们具备全面而强大的技能,以胜任工作、追求职业发展和探索新的工作机会。


- Education and Career Guidance  教育和就业指导

Education and Career Guidance (ECG) is for Singaporeans at different stages of life. Whether you are a student or an adult in your early or mid-career phase, ECG supports you to learn more about your own interests, abilities and passion to make informed education and career decisions.

By exploring the learning or education pathways and career opportunities available, you can take positive steps towards realising your aspirations and embrace learning throughout your life.

ECG can help you to:

  • Continually develop strengths, interests and abilities, to use them to contribute meaningfully to society through future professions.
  • Learn and explore the different education and career pathways available, and the opportunities for continuous learning and recognition.
  • Appreciate, take pride in and add value to any job.
  • Make informed decisions about education and career plans, and take steps to embark on them.
  • Develop competencies, values and workplace readiness skills to be adaptable and resilient.

教育和职业指导 (ECG) 适用于处于不同人生阶段的新加坡人。 无论您是学生还是处于职业生涯早期或中期的成年人,ECG 都可以帮助您更多地了解自己的兴趣、能力和热情,从而做出明智的教育和职业决策。



□ 不断发展优势、兴趣和能力,利用它们通过未来的职业为社会做出有意义的贡献。

□ 学习和探索可用的不同教育和职业途径,以及不断学习和获得认可的机会。

□ 欣赏、自豪并为任何工作增加价值。

□ 就教育和职业计划做出明智的决定,并采取措施付诸实施。

□ 培养具有适应性和弹性的能力、价值观和工作场所准备技能。


- MySkillsFuture 精深局主办“技能创前程

  • MySkillsFuture is a one-stop online portal that enables Singaporeans to chart their own career and lifelong learning pathways, through access to industry information and tools to search for training programmes to broaden and deepen skills.
  • MySkillsFuture is a one-stop portal for your education, training and career guidance:
  • Identify in-demand skills and SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses for your training needs Identify existing skillsets, and receive personalised course and content recommendations for your desired job role Claim SkillsFuture Credit and apply for other SkillsFuture initiatives Discover industry insights to make informed learning and career choices


  • MySkillsFuture 是一个一站式在线门户网站,新加坡人可以通过访问行业信息和工具来搜索培训计划以拓宽和深化技能,从而规划自己的职业和终身学习途径。
  • MySkillsFuture 是您的教育、培训和职业指导的一站式门户:
  • 根据您的培训需求确定需求技能和符合 SkillsFuture Credit 资格的课程 选择


- Adult Education Network (AEN)  成人教育工作者联络网(AEN)

  • Advance professionally and be equipped with the right skills to meet the professional demands of tomorrow.
  • The Adult Education Network Membership is for Professionals coming from the three TAE roles; Adult Education Professionals, Training Management Specialists, and Human Capital Management Professionals.
  • Remain competitive in the dynamic TAE landscape by being connected to the larger TAE community for collaborative support and capability development. Established in 2008, the AEN has been catering to the needs of its current network of over 4,000 members, through a host of membership benefits that address the differing needs of its members in three typical career phases - from the aspiring, the establishing, to the established.
  • Connect with other fellow Training and Adult Education (TAE) professionals through exclusive AEN informal sessions, workshops and events.
  • Leverage IAL’s reach to obtain the fastest updates on available TAE jobs and business opportunities, both local and overseas.
  • Receive opportunities for structured and focused professional guidance by experienced mentors.


  • 成人教育网络会员资格适用于来自三个 TAE 角色的专业人员; 成人教育专家、培训管理专家和人力资本管理专家。
  • 通过连接到更大的 TAE 社区以获得协作支持和能力开发,在动态的 TAE 环境中保持竞争力。 自 2008 年成立以来,AEN 一直通过一系列会员福利来满足其现有 4,000 多名会员的需求,这些会员福利可满足其会员在三个典型职业阶段(从有抱负、建立到职业)的不同需求。 已确立的。
  • 通过独家 AEN 非正式会议、研讨会和活动与其他培训和成人教育 (TAE) 专业人士联系。
  • 利用 IAL 的影响力,以最快的速度获取本地和海外可用的 TAE 工作和商业机会的最新信息。

□ 获得经验丰富的导师提供的结构化和重点专业指导的机会。


- Adult Education Professionalisation (AEP) 成人教育专业人生 (AEP)

  • The Adult Education Professionalisation (AEP) initiative aims to raise the quality and professionalism of the Training and Adult Education sector by enabling Adult Educators to continue to deepen their professional skills, and to be recognised for their mastery of skills. AEP recognition can only be attained when an applicant meets the minimum number of Skills Badges.
  • The Adult Education Professionalisation (AEP) initiative is a step forward in creating a strong, dynamic and forward-looking Adult Education profession in Singapore. AEP aims to advance the professional standards and identity of Adult Educators as professionals recognised for both pedagogical and professional excellence.
  • To raise the quality and professionalism of the Training and Adult Education sector, it is important that we enable Adult Educators to continue to deepen their professional skills, and to be recognised for their mastery of skills. This is particularly so, in view of the crucial role that Adult Educators play in supporting the national SkillsFuture movement to impart knowledge and skills to our workforce.
  • 成人教育专业化 (AEP) 倡议旨在通过使成人教育工作者能够继续深化他们的专业技能,并因其对技能的掌握而得到认可,从而提高培训和成人教育部门的质量和专业水平。 只有当申请人达到最低数量的技能徽章时,才能获得 AEP 认可。
  • 成人教育专业化 (AEP) 计划是在新加坡创建强大、充满活力和前瞻性的成人教育专业方面向前迈出的一步。 AEP 旨在提高成人教育工作者的专业标准和身份,使其成为公认的教学和专业卓越的专业人士。
  • 为了提高培训和成人教育部门的质量和专业水平,重要的是我们让成人教育工作者能够继续深化他们的专业技能,并因其对技能的掌握而得到认可。 鉴于成人教育工作者在支持国家 SkillsFuture 运动向我们的劳动力传授知识和技能方面发挥的关键作用,这一点尤其重要

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Posted by Gustin Low
Facilitator, Curriculum & Software Developer and Career Advisor/Coach


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